Discover Castles of Posavje by bike


Posavje is land of castles. There are a really large number of castles in a small geographical area here. Castles have always stirred the imagination with their legends and mysteries. On top of that, castles are usually hard to access, which adds some mystery to them. If you connect your love for castles with the love for cycling, then you get a unique and unforgettable cycling experience – a discovery of Posavje castles, one of the most important elements of Slovenian cultural heritage.

You can start your cycling tour by visiting Sevnica castle, which sits on top of the hill above the town Sevnica. This medieval castle complex dominates above the whole city and offers a true insight in time of knights and princesses. The special feature here is also baroque frescoes in the tower, that represents four seasons. The last Countess od Sevnica, named Mathilda, is known for an exceptional love story, which makes it so much more interesting, when we roam through her rooms in this castle. You can end this tour with wine tasting – here they are especially proud of their Modra Frankinja, but also its white version (Bela Frankinja) is becoming more and more popular.

From Sevnica we can continue either towards Rajhenburg (in direction of Krško) or toward Radeče. In the direction of Krško we can soon see Rajhenburg castle, which can be reached by bike – there is a short, but steep ascent, which is rewarded by beautiful views on the top. This castle is marked by mysterious order of monks – the Trappists, who worked here and are known by their vow of silence and great chocolate, which they produced. The chocolate was very well known and appreciated even at the Viennese imperial court, and the emperor himself awarded its quality with special brand name, called Imperial. An attractive ride through the tunnel also leads to the castle – this was a former mining railway and this road is especially pleasant on hot summer days, as the temperature in the tunnel is constantly fresh. We recommend some extra clothing here.

If we continue towards direction of Radeče, we can see the remains of Svibno castle.

From Rajhneburg castle we can continue towards Krško and then in the direction of Brežice, here we can see a beautiful castle. Today it houses the Posavje Museum of Brežice. The highlight here is certainly the beautiful knight’s hall, which boasts with beautiful baroque painted ceilings and walls, where you can see Ovid’s metamorphoses from the chaotic birth of the world to Gaius Julius Caesar.

If we continue in the direction of Pišece or Bizeljsko, we can also stop to discover beautiful castles there. At Bizeljsko Castle you can enjoy in unforgettable views of beautiful Sotla valley directly from the castle balcony. If you cycle from Brežice past Mokrice castle, you can enjoy orchards and botanical garden, and in the middle of the hill lies the chapel of St. Anne. Here, too, Countess Barbara is associated with many legends, mostly love themed, but what would the world be without great love. A special feature here is Viljamovka and if you visit, don’t miss out to discover the Castle wine cellar.

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