Learning trails in Posavje


Learning trails in Posavje receive visitors throughout the year, and are quite thematically diverse, so everyone can find something that they are interested in. Most of this trails are on undemanding terrain, and are suitable for different age groups, including smaller children or seniors. Learning trails, equipped with information boars and other necessary infrastructure, are thus an ideal choice for all the curious, eager for new knowledge and for lovers of nature and hiking.

Savus educational trail

The trail takes you along the Sava river, all the way to park Dvor under the branches of exotic trees and further on to places with gorgeous views. 5 kilometers long circular trail, which begins at the Tourist recreational park Savus, offers innovative interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. Savus, the trail’s symbol, was actually an ancient river deity. The majority of the trail runs along the Sava river and at the same time along one of Europe’s most beautiful and longest fishing trails. The educational trail emphasizes how important water is for creating ecosystems and how rich our environment is with flora and fauna. The trail itself is not demanding and can therefore be easily walked or cycled with one of our electric bikes. For an attractive interpretation we highly recommend you to hire a local guide. The trail takes you through park Dvor, under the branches of numerous exotic trees. An innovative didactic teaching tool will help you familiarize yourselves with different tree species. Further down a special binocular offers fantastic views of the Brunk hill and its softly sculpted features. Quietly at the hill’s top Holy Magi church nests in all its beauty. A short history of Hotemez field is depicted by Janez Vajkard Valvasor, our famous historian.

Water learning trail

This trail in Bistrica ob Sotli is a 7-point and 3 kilometres long trail, which will take you about hour and a half to walk through. Trail itself is extremely interesting, and is arranged as a classroom in nature, where one can get to know the river Bistrica from past till this day. Along the trail you can see the Bistrica gorge, the wetland, the restored Gabron fountain and many interesting plant species (eg Carniolan lily). The trail starts at the valley spring in Hohnječev graben, then continues towards the wetland and further towards the well in Gabronov naselje. It ends in the Bistrica gorge.

Jurko’s learning trail (Lisca)

This is a 2.2-kilometer-long easy educational trail along the slopes of Lisca. It was named after Blaž Jurko, a teacher from Radeče, who initiated the construction of the first mountain hut on Lisca. The hut still bears his name today. Along this diverse trail with gentle ascents and descents, you’ll discover the biodiversity of Lisca and its inhabitants, including insects, pollinators, various bird species, animals, trees, shrubs, plants, and medicinal herbs. The trail also offers exceptional views of a large part of Slovenia and even extends towards neighboring Croatia.

Koščeva learning trail to Jovsi

This trail is ideal for lovers of unspoiled nature, as it runs from the centre of Kapele to Jovsi natural park. It is 5 km long trail, which takes about 2 hours. At the beginning of this trail, in the centre of Kapele, there is information board (near the church). The trail leads through the vineyards and continues along the forest slope of Jovsi natural park. There are information points in the forest and on the edge of the park, where there are represented the characteristics of the forest and the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of this area. We can complete this learning trail by visiting the information room in Kapele, which is a real multimedia classroom. The special features of this learning trail are great diversity of plant species and the only confirmed nesting place of Corn Crake in Pannonian Slovenia.

Forest learning trail (Pišece)

This is approximately 4,5-kilometre-long route, that takes about 2 – 3 hours. It is a circular trail, starting in the village of Pišece (“at the mill”). The Selna stream flows along the learning trail. The trail is marked with green-yellow markings and 11 content points. Along the trail there are also some attractions: the church of St. Mihaela, Pleteršnik’s homestead Pišece, many tree and animal species.

Uskok learning trail

This trail leads along the path of the Uskoks and testifies to their influence on the Posavje cultural heritage.

Ressl’s learning trail

This learning trail is especially interesting for natural lovers, as it leads the hiker through the Krakov primeval forest. Along the way it is possible to admire the exceptional biodiversity of the primeval forest, and some extremely rare animal and plant species have also found a home in this area.

Water learning trail Gabernica

This trail is about 17 km long trail, which takes about 5 hours. It starts at the source of the stream Gabernica (Pišece, Duplo cave). From the source this trail leads all the way to the confluence with the Sava river and is the first water learning trail in Slovenia. The watercourse is presented very interestingly, as well as the events along the stream. From the starting point, the learning trail continues to the restored old mill, past the pond in Pišece, Brežiško polje to Mostec, where it flows into the Sava River. Along the way it is possible to get to know all the diversity of life in the stream, the use of the stream, the regulation of the natural watercourse, interesting flood plains at Kapele (Jovsi), and at the same time the following attractions: Gabernica spring Dobrava, Jovsi (Chapels), Brod across the Sava River (Mostec), plant and natural diversity.

Historical-forest learning trail Svibno

This trail near Radeče takes us through the rich history of the Counts of Svibenski, from the castle all the way to the church of St. Cross. Along the trail we get to know the special farm architecture, forest management, rocky outcrops, geological turning point. We can also sleep in a bivouac on Magolnik along this trail. The trail is equipped with numbered wooden boards. The length of the entire circular route is 8 km, with 13 content points that can be viewed in about 3-4 hours. If this is too much for you, you can also shorten this trail in half. The beginning of the trail is in Svibno.

Josipina Hočevar’s learning trail

This trail leads from the Old town of Krško along the tracks left in this town by this benefactress. The trail begins at the City Museum of Krško, continues to the Church of St. Janez Evangelist and Hočevarjev trg, all the way to the City Park, where a statue of Josipina is placed in her honour. We continue past the fire station to the church of St. Rosalie, where we can see a memorial plaque, which was erected in honour of Josipina by the then mayor Mencinger. We then ascent to Trška gora and towards the church of St. Jožef, from where we return to the old town. When visiting this trail, one should not miss Capuchin library in old town of Krško.

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